Home>Gift Q&A>Birthday>child
  • What toys would primary school students like?
    My best friend’s child’s birthday is in two days. I have received an invitation from her, so I want to prepare a gift for her child. However, I don’t really know what toys or gifts primary school students like nowadays. I wonder if you have any good gifts to recommend.
    03-31 22:0584 Liked
  • A collection of glowing gifts for girls
    Here is a collection of glowing gifts for girls! I heard from others that there are many glowing gifts on the Internet. I think my daughter would like them, so I want to buy some for her.
    12-30 13:1045 Liked
  • .What's a good gift for your baby's first birthday?
    My baby was born last winter and will be celebrating his first birthday soon. Grandparents will come to celebrate his birthday. As a father, I must give him a birthday present! I have been thinking hard these days and still don't know what to give. Experienced parents, please give me some ideas, what is a good gift for a baby's first birthday?
    12-23 08:2510 Liked
  • Please recommend a 2-year-old boy birthday gift
    My son is about to turn 2 years old. I am very busy with work and never bought him any gifts when he was little. I want to choose a good gift for him. Can you recommend some birthday gifts for 2-year-old babies?
    12-11 11:0114 Liked
  • What kind of gift should be given to a child during his/her first birthday?
    We have the custom of holding a one-year-old birthday celebration. My brother asked us to go back and have a gathering when our nephew celebrates his birthday. Anyone with experience can tell me what gifts we should give in this situation?
    09-27 14:2124 Liked
  • What's a good gift for a kid who's just started school?
    I went to visit a colleague's home. His two children were both of school age. What kind of gifts do you think are good for children who have just started school? It's better to bring some gifts for the children out of courtesy.
    08-15 14:1116 Liked
  • What's a good first birthday gift for your baby?
    My baby was born at the end of July last year. His first birthday is coming soon. My mother and I attach great importance to it. I want to know what is the best gift for him to give as his first birthday? Thank you.
    07-17 10:1833 Liked
  • What's a good birthday gift for a kindergarten kid?
    I am a kindergarten teacher. One of the children in my class has a birthday. As the child's teacher, it is customary for me to prepare gifts. I just arrived and I don't know what birthday gift to give to the kindergarten children?
    05-09 14:2526 Liked
  • Recommended birthday gifts for 10-year-olds
    What gifts would a 10-year-old like? I have a 10-year-old child at home who is having a birthday. Can you recommend some suitable birthday gifts? Thank you!
    05-09 13:5337 Liked
  • What's a good birthday gift for my 12-year-old daughter?
    My baby daughter's birthday is coming soon. The little one has been looking forward to my birthday present, but I have been too busy with work and have not had time to prepare it. Can anyone tell me what birthday present to choose for my 12-year-old daughter?
    04-11 10:56305 Liked

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